Send and receive money, instantly.

Ziina is easier than cash — and a whole lot more personal.

2K+ App Store reviews
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Ziina Personal
From Samir
+42 AED
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More memorable than cash
Pay back your friends (like you mean it) by adding a GIF, note, or photo.
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No unnecessary fees
Send up to 5,000 AED each month for free using a UAE debit card.
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Payments as easy as text
Use QR codes and payment links to accept cards and Apple Pay.
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Your money stays safe
Licensed by the Central Bank of the UAE
PCI-DSS certified technology
Safely stores all payment card information.
State-of-the-art verification
Biometrics and pin code for added security.
Frequently asked questionsLearn more
What is Ziina?
How can I receive payments?
How can I transfer the funds from my wallet to my bank account?
How long does it take to process my cash out?
Reach out to us
Our goal is to answer any questions you have in less than 30 minutes. 
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